Eramold IML Plastic Injection Molding Production

What is Plastic Injection Molding ?

The production system that emerges by injecting the plastic raw material melted at high temperature into the determined mold is called plastic injection molding.
Today, plastic injection molding machines provide integrated production with a computer-based system and produce using the latest technology. In addition, many parts that we use in our daily life are parts that are produced using the plastic injection molding method.
The way the plastic injection molding system works is that the plastic material melted at high temperature is injected into the mold and the mold is completely filled, in the second stage, when the melted material is poured into the mold, it starts to be pulled backwards at first. This stage leads to depressions that will occur in the product, some errors and undesired deformations. In order to prevent this situation, an application called injection pressure and then the application forms called holding pressure are applied.
The time period set while applying the holding pressure varies depending on the characteristics of the raw material to be used, the part dimensions and weight.
In the third stage, it is the stage applied for the hardening of the raw material, which is regulated by holding pressure, in the mold, and this stage is called the cooling process. After the cooling process, which is the last application stage of plastic injection molding, the mold is separated from the product. After the deburring process and some correction processes, the product, which is ready, is ready for delivery without any defect or fault.

What are the General Pros of Plastic Injection Molding ? 

  • Production possibility is quite high and it provides mass production opportunity.
  • It produces products that are durable for a long time and have high quality surfaces.
  • The labor cost of the manufactured part is at the lowest level
  • It offers the opportunity for ease of production compared to other molding forms.
  • It produces parts in different shapes and sizes in an affordable way.
  • It provides the opportunity to produce by mixing filling materials such as glass powder, carbon and lime into the plastic material of the part to be made.

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